
Sunday, 14 December 2014

Liz C: Eye read feedback

Name : Liz C

Age: 31

Pictures below: blue/green eyes
Louis did an amazing job with my iridology reading. He identified drug deposits in the lymphatic wall of my upper back which I previously thought was related to being out of adjustment and would bug my chiropractor about. Since finding out it was lymph related, I have been dry brushing as well as massaging the area and it is getting better! It always felt like something was “stuck” – well it was

He also pointed out that I have some upper mid spinal issues (I have scoliosis in that location) which I believe might be a cause of the weak thigh/knee/hip/pelvis/groin that he also noted (and boy was he right about that – I visit a chiropractor weekly to keep my pelvis/hip in place)

Louis mentioned that I have dark outside my pupil which shows I am not absorbing nutrients well. I knew this previously from studying my tongue, as well as signs on my nails. Thank you for reaffirming that I really need to work on this issue . Just not sure where to start!
He also noted nerve rings, adrenal and kidney issues which I knew all too well and have had a good deal of my life.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Tami Guerin: Eye Read Feedback

Tami Guerin


Occupation: Homemaker

I had Louis read my eyes and he didn't know anything about me other then my name.  He was completly accurate in everything he said about me. It has helped give me more information on how to be proactive in my health.  I can not thank him enough for the great job he has done.

Thank you Louis!! Always more then happy to help you in any way I can.

Tami Guerin